Parasite Prevention

Why You Need to Protect Your Pets

Unfortunately, cats, dogs, and other animals can suffer from parasites, including fleas, ticks, worms, and more. These parasites could cause discomfort and may even spread serious diseases, such as Lyme disease. If you want to prevent fleas, ticks, and other parasites from harming your pets, visit our veterinarian. Contact us at Cheyenne Veterinary Wellness & Surgical Center if you live in or around Brentwood and Pittsburgh for parasite prevention today.

Dog scratching

Why Preventing Fleas, Ticks, and Other Parasites Is Important

Did you know that the bubonic plague was spread by fleas that lived on rats and other rodents? The bubonic plague may have caused the deadliest pandemics in history, killing many millions of people across Asia, Europe, and elsewhere. The disease was so deadly that people referred to it as the Black Death.

The plague is still around, although major outbreaks are rare. Still, parasites can spread a wide variety of diseases, including Lyme disease. There’s even a risk that parasites, including fleas and ticks, could spread a disease to you and your human family.

Besides fleas and ticks, other common pet parasites include:

  • Bed bugs
  • Coccidia
  • Mites
  • Heartworms
  • Roundworms
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Hookworms
  • Tapeworms
  • Whipworms

These parasites can cause a variety of health problems. If not treated, there’s a risk that your pet could become seriously ill. If parasites are already present, special shampoos and oral medication may help. However, the best course of treatment will vary from parasite to parasite. That’s why it’s important to talk with a veterinarian.

Don’t delay. Parasites can breed very quickly and could jump to other pets and even people. If this happens, preventing and treating parasites, including ticks and fleas, will become even more difficult.

Here’s Why Prevention Is Best with Parasites

Parasites are often hard to treat. Special shampoos and medicines may be needed. Often, when it comes to parasite treatment, preventative measures are the best course of action.

Special collars can drive away and kill fleas, ticks, and other parasites. These collars are often a preferred form of flea and tick prevention.

Meanwhile, oral medications can make your pet inhospitable to parasites. If you give your pet oral medications, it may make their blood poisonous to many parasites but won’t cause any harm to your pet. That said, the appropriate treatment and prevention plan for your pet will depend on his or her risk factors, so it’s wise to speak with a vet.

Need parasite prevention for your pets? Contact Cheyenne Veterinary Wellness & Surgical Center if you live in or around Brentwood and Pittsburgh and speak with a veterinarian!


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